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The present research was conducted in order to discover the lived experience of girls in conflict with their parents in choosing a spouse, compiling and updating the counseling package and its effect on the parent-child relationship, depression and attitude towards choosing a spouse in girls on the verge of marriage. The design of this research was of a mixed-exploratory type and included three parts: qualitative, mixed and quantitative, which was implemented in four stages. In the qualitative part of the study, the phenomenological method was used with the aim of discovering the lived experience of girls in conflict with their parents in choosing a spouse. The statistical population of the research in this section included all girls between 20 and 30 years old who were in conflict with their parents in the field of choosing a spouse in the city of Isfahan in 1400-1401. For this purpose, 15 girls were selected using targeted voluntary sampling. The research tools in the qualitative part of the research included a demographic questionnaire, a researcher-made questionnaire to measure parent-daughter conflict in the field of choosing a spouse, and a semi-structured interview. After recording, all the interviews were interpreted verbatim and the data were analyzed using content analysis and based on Clayseyʹs analysis method, and finally 7 main themes, 16 sub-themes and 97 categories were extracted, which main themes include: The causes of conflict were conflict-causing personality traits, differences in the criteria for choosing a spouse, differences in concern in Then, in the combined section, the themes and categories extracted from the qualitative data were used to formulate a counseling package based on parent-daughter conflicts in the issue of choosing a spouse. In the quantitative part of the research, the content validity of the cognitive-behavioral counseling package based on parent-daughter conflicts in the issue of choosing a spouse was examined by using the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) by 10 experts. In this research, the content validity index was 0.8, which shows that this package has acceptable validity for presentation and use. Also, in the quantitative part, for the effectiveness of the compiled package on the research variables, the single case-A-B-A experimental design was used. From the statistical population of the research, 3 girls who were in conflict with their parents in the field of choosing a spouse were selected voluntarily. The consultation package was implemented in 8 sessions and 12 evaluation stages (4 stages in the baseline, 4 stages in the intervention and 4 stages in the follow-up). In order to collect data from the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (Fine, Moreland and Schoebel, 1983), the Beck Depression Questionnaire-2 (Beck, Ester and Ball, 1996) and the Spouse Choice Attitudes Questionnaire (Shahrabi, Fatehizadeh and Etamadi, 2019) was used in the baseline, intervention and follow-up sessions In order to analyze the data, the visual analysis method was used in two levels of intra-situational analysis and inter-situational analysis, determining the recovery percentage and stable change index. A visual review of the charts and indicators of descriptive statistics showed a significant decrease in depression and ineffective beliefs in choosing a spouse, and an improvement in the parent-mother-daughter and parent-father-daughter relationship and efficient beliefs in choosing a spouse. All in all, these results indicate that the counseling package based on parent-daughter conflicts in choosing a spouse can be used to reduce depression and ineffective beliefs in choosing a spouse and improve the parent-child relationship and effective beliefs in choosing a spouse in training and counseling sessions.