چكيده لاتين
Physical education teachers are one of the most important human resources in education, which provide the basis for the development of quality physical education in schools. The purpose of this research was to construct and validate the physical education teacher assessment literacy scale.
This research was applied in terms of purpose and mixed in terms of data. In the qualitative part, the participants included 15 experts, university professors, heads of educational groups, and expert physical education teachers. In the quantitative part, there were 260 people (30 people in the pilot study and 230 people in the main study) from physical education teachers all over the country.
The research tool was a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire made by the researcher "Assessment Literacy of Physical Education Teachers". In the qualitative part, some criteria such as trust, validity and verifiability were used to validate the research. In the quantitative part, the validity of the form, content, structure and reliability of the research tool were examined and confirmed. Face-to-face interviews and online questionnaires were used to collect data.
In order to analyze data in the qualitative part of the theme analysis method and in the quantitative part of descriptive statistics (including frequency, frequency percentage, standard deviation, mean, etc.) and inferential statistics (including Cronbachʹs alpha test, Bartlettʹs test, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis) were used. Also, for data analysis, MAXQDA20 software was used in the qualitative part and SPSS26 and LISREL 8.80 software were used in the quantitative part. The research results in the qualitative part included 82 concepts, based on which the initial items of the questionnaire were made. Validity of form and content was confirmed by expert professors. In a pilot study on 30 physical education teachers, semantic validity was checked and the necessary corrections were made on the items. Also, the reliability coefficient (internal homogeneity) in these people was obtained using Cronbachʹs alpha R=0.954, which shows that the reliability is appropriate. After collecting the questionnaires from 230 teachers, the results of exploratory factor analysis indicated the removal of 15 items due to the factor load less than 0.5. After removing the factors with low factor load, the remaining 55 questions according to the content of the items in 9 factors including: 1- awareness of the content of the physical education course (4 questions), 2- awareness of the principles of assessment (4 questions), 3- awareness of Objectives of assessment (10 questions), 4- having information in related sciences (3 questions), 5- familiarity with various assessment approaches (5 questions), 6- knowledge of types of evaluators (4 questions), 7- skill of making tools (7 questions) ), 8- data analysis and statistical skills (13 questions), 9- feedback ability (5 questions) were categorized. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis test also showed that all factor loadings and fit indices are within the acceptable and desirable range. In general, it can be said that the literacy questionnaire for the assessment of physical education teachers in Iran with 9 factors and 55 items has a favorable validity for future research.