v. 1. Civilization and mankind: The dance of Çiva.- v. 2. Civilization and mankind: The world, the flesh and the devil .-v. 3. Women, marriage and the family: Birth control and the state .- v. 4. Women, marriage and the family: Lysistrata .-v. 5. Home, clothes and food: Lares et penates .- v. 6. Child and education: Autolycus .-v. 7. Child and education: Isis .-v. 8. Science and medicine: Galatea .-v. 9. Science and medicine: Eos .- v. 10. Science and medicine: The Mongol in our midst.-v. 11. Psychology: Apollonius.-v. 12. Industry and the machine: Hephæstus .-v. 13. Industry and the machine: Vulcan .- v. 14. Society and the state: Archon .-v. 15. Society and the state: It isnʹt done .-v. 16. War and politics: Callinicus .-v. 17. Religion and folklore: Eutychus .-v. 18. Great Britain, the Empire and America: Columbia .-v. 19. Great Britain, the Empire and America: Midas .-v. 20. Language and literature: Lars porsena .-v. 21. Language and literature: Scheherazade .-v. 22. Language and literature: Pons Asinorum .- v. 23. Art and architecture: Balbus .-v. 24. Music and drama: Terpander .- v. 25. Sport and leisure: Rusticus