v.A1. Abrasives to Aluminium oxide.- v.A2. Amines, Aliphatic to Antibiotics.- v.A3. Antidiabetic drugs to Benzoquinone and Naphtoquinone dyes.- v.A4. Benzyl alchol to Calcium sulfate.- v.A5. Cancer chemotherapy to Ceramic colorants.- v.A6. Ceramics to Chlorohydrins.- v.A7. Chlorophenols to Copper compounds.- v.A8. Coronary therapeutics to display technology.- v.9. Dithiocarbamic acid to Ethanol.- v.A10. Ethanolamines to fibers, 4. Synthetic organic.- v.A11. Fibers, 5. Synthetic inorganic to formaldehyde.- v.A12. Formamides to hexamethylenediamine.- v.A15. Isotopes, natural to Magnesium compounds.- v.A16. Magnetic materials to mutagenic agents.- v.A17. Naphthalene to nuclear technology.- v.A18. Nucleic acids to parasympatholytics and parasympathomimetics.- v.A20. Photography to plastics, processing.- v.A25. Starch and other polysaccharides to surfactants.- v.B1. Fundamentals of chemical engineering.- v.B2. Unit operations I.- v.B3. Unit operations II.- v. B5. Analytical methods.- Index to volumes A1 to A7. Abrasives to Copper compounds.- Index to volumes A1 to A10. Abrasives to fibers, synthetic organic- Index to volumes A1 to A14, B2- B3. Abrasives to Isoprene, unit operations I and II.- Index to volumes A1 to A16, B1 to B3. Abrasives to mutagenic agents, fundamentals of chemical engineering, unit operations I and II.- Index to volumes A1 to A24, B1 to B4. Abrasives to stains, microscopic, fundamentals of chemical engineering, unit operations I and II, and principles of chemical reaction engineering and plant design.