"Expanded version of the special Berrigan issue of the Holy Cross quarterly of January 1971." Duff, E. The burden of the Berrigans.--Clifford, R. J. The Berrigans: prophetic?--Chomsky, N. On the limits of civil disobedience.--Brown, R. The Berrigans: signs or models?--OʹBrein, D. J. The Berrigans and America.--Raines, J. C. The followers of life.--Zahn, G. C. The Berrigans: radical activism personified.--Ruether, R. R. Beyond confrontation: the therapeutic task.--Nobile, P. Phil Berrigan in prison.--Gray, F. du P. Phil Berrigan in Hawaii.--Forest, J. Philip Berrigan: disturber of sleep.--Cowan, P. Father Dan Berrigan: fugitive from injustice.--Dan Berrigan with families in the underground; four sketches by people who sheltered him.--Berrigan, D. Letter to the Weathermen.--Coles, R. Thinking about those priests.--The United States of America vs. the Berrigans:some documents.--The indictment.--The response of theconspiracy